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Top 10 tips for writing grant applications

Paul Mills • 20 April 2023

Our tips when applying for grant funding

With the global effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the current economic situation we all face – the demand on grant funders to help organisations and charities is at an all-time high.

Grant funding is now a highly competitive arena for those applying. To put it into perspective, there are around 165,000 charities in the UK, and according to research completed in 2022, these charities spend around £900m a year on costs for applying to grants, trusts and foundations.

Most funders are therefore oversubscribed. Making your application stand out is crucial to winning successful grant funding.

There is no one single formula for a successful grant application. And in many cases, the application process can vary from a simple letter or postal form to a complex online gateway with several steps along the way.

We’ve listed below a few tips to help you navigate your way through your application:

  • Firstly, allow plenty of time to plan, draft and submit your application. Collating much of the detail can be time consuming, so give yourself plenty of working headroom.
  • Always research funders carefully and ensure that your project or application content meets the eligibility criteria of the funder. Also check that the scale of your project is appropriate to the funder too.
  • Think about the audience reading your application. They may be unfamiliar with your project work, so be clear, concise and avoid jargon.
  • An application can be very compelling when written or told as a story. A “beginning, middle and end approach” is good for postal applications. This way you can evidence need, how your project will help and what the outcomes are.
  • Write persuasively and with positivity, as this helps your application stand out. In many cases your project will be new and innovative, or may have significant outcomes. Do not be afraid to write your application using positive statements.
  • Adding a strong impact statement can help your potential funder understand the difference that your project makes.
  • Supporting data and evidence really underpins the need for your project, so include any relevant findings that support your project.
  • If you are working with delivery partners, ensure you have created evidence of how your partnership will deliver and mitigation of any potential risks.
  • Be clear on the project outcomes. In many cases, this is the most important section. Include the impact your project will have, and the difference it will make. If you don’t know the precise outcomes, develop some assumptions, and tie in with your aims and objectives of the project. This will help when it comes to reporting back to your funder in the future.
  • Double check the application and ensure that you have submitted all the documents the funding panel need to make their decision.

That’s our top ten tips to start you off on your grant application journey. We wish you every success in your search for funding!

Cazpa Ltd provides support to smaller charities, so if you’d like to find out more about how we can help, visit us today.

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