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Your brand values are important!

Paul Mills • 15 December 2023

Your reputation is everything.

I recently had a meeting with a fairly high profile company outside of my usual geographic area. The corporate brand of the company exudes high values and the product marketing supports it. Sadly once I was inside the organisation, the values seemed to disintegrate before my eyes. The team and staff didn't seem to notice me standing around, and no-one wanted to know. It was like I didn't matter. Customer service was out of the window, and apathy seemed to reign.

Does your brand values run through your organisational behaviours? Its worth a check today. Mystery shopper tests on your staff and team attitudes may reveal a few things. 

Your reputation is everything and upholding brand values means real transformational changes may be necessary. Sometimes they just need a tweak. Either way ensure your brand values run from top to bottom and side to side throughout the whole organisation. 

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